Friday, February 29, 2008

A Lot of Shovin' Goin' On

This is likely the only burn women's bball will ever get on here, but what gold this is. The fact that this was sparked by UW, in a furious rally to overcome a 20-point 2nd half deficit @ Michigan makes it that much greater. Super great actually.

Anyway, this dude comes in with immediate anger and speed, wasting no time losing his mind. There's a good chance he just came from murdering his starting 5. From there it slowly turns into sadness, as he's clearly contemplating a bath, some candles, a nice bottle of wine and a razor. Also, maybe some Enya. Let me mention again that he coaches women's basketball.

an oldie but goodie

Triumph-Hollywood Squares - More amazing videos are a click away

this was also stolen from ben.

E. Mitz, holler at your boy...

Heh, you crazy soccer players, check out The Big Lead for further explanation.

some nice hypocrisy from the right

i stole this from my friend ben, who's a scholar and a gentleman. you can read his thoughts about politics and al roker at

no creerás sus ojos...


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Speaking of national coverage for the bucks ...

... more vids at

speakin of trampoline dunks

Here ya go...

Uncle L was calling for flip dunks, here's a good example:

Finally, Some National Coverage

Well, the Bucks have been playing some good ball as of late, just enough to get fans to believe they may have a shot at the playoffs (don't worry, they don't). Ramon Sessions will likely make his debut at PG tonight, while Devin Harris looks to play his first game as a Net. For a preview of the game, go here. Meanwhile, nice to see the national press taking note of the great state of the franchise:

Bradley Center Moves Milwaukee Bucks Game To Basement

The Onion

Bradley Center Moves Milwaukee Bucks Game To Basement

MILWAUKEE—The Milwaukee Bucks home game against the New York Knicks was relegated to the basement of the Bradley Center Tuesday, arena...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Baseball Boogie.

I've always held the 1985 Chicago Bears Super Bowl Shuffle as the holy grail of athletes making bad music but the internet has provided a plethora of imitators. Orel Hershiser and Eric Dickerson have probably long forgotten about their decision to star in these promos back in '86 but I know somewhere that Jim McMahon is smiling knowing that he is no longer alone in his embarrassment. I have to wonder who was choreographing these performances and why they no longer exist in today's modern game? Who wouldn't like to see Yi doing the "Buck it" while Desmond Mason drops 4 Bars? Osmosis Gintronic now has a potential career.


The Baseball Boogie!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

What's up Scientist ?

Remember Science-Fairs?

First of all - science fairs are the least jolly of all the fairs. There is usually no cotton candy or carnies without teeth scamming 7 year-olds at Science Fairs... That being said, Science Fairs were great for an entirely different set of reasons.

J-Dubbles and I put together a wicked-sweet science fair project back in the sixth standard based entirely around which one of his 17 pairs of Nike basketball shoes allowed him to make a higher percentage of three pointers. Let's just say neither of us are currently working in the sciences.

If you too miss the days of getting to make shitty poster-board dioramas explaining about thrilling topics such as (but not limited to) Electro Worms, Moon Babies, or (my personal favorite) Crystal Meth, Friend or Foe? than this set of pictures is for you.

Things White People Like

I wish I could take credit for finding this, but I can't. I can only read it and laugh and agree.

For the record, I'm not a big fan of Mos Def, I don't like bikes, but I do love "studying" abroad.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Taken from Nathan Rabin's review of Rock the Bells 2006, at the AV Club:

Knee-jerk Bush bashing is a fixture of pretty much every rap show I’ve ever attended, which makes me wonder what will happen if Obama is elected President. Will the instant applause line “Fuck George Bush” be replaced by “Make some motherfucking noise if you’re cautiously optimistic about Obama’s Presidency yet concerned that, like Jimmy Carter before him, he will ultimately disappoint his core constituency and not follow through on some of his stirring campaign rhetoric in the face of partisan bickering and the need to placate a broader spectrum of voters! Aw yeah!”

Ha, yes and yes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Introductory post

So its about time I get all up in dem guts and get a post out. I already sent this to dubb and aaron but figured you'd all enjoy:

Also, in honor of J Williams' campaigning against anyone that says his shows have gone downhill, a quote from the new SI:
"It's become so cliche to rail against the hype that i believe the hype machine has secretly supported a guerilla antihype movement to spark a prohype backlash"

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crunch Time

Well folks, we are getting to the end here and like these two fellows to the right, I'm a bit sad about it. Nevertheless, however The Wire wraps up, it should be exciting. With only 3 eps left and most of us finally at the same spot in the season (you losers), let's have a chat.

First, a quick look at the spots I hit up for post-show analysis. If you have any others, feel free to add them. As a side note, each of these posts their reaction to the episodes as they air, so those of us who watch it early on demand are a week ahead:

The AV Club: This of course is part of their relatively new TV Club feature, which is probably one of my favorite developments of the past year. One writer handles all the Wire posts and he prefaced the season by basically saying every episode would get an "A" grade as a reflection of the shows general greatness. And I agree. This would be my favorite of the show recaps, as it is pretty straight forward in it's analysis and doesn't dwell on the sub-par newsroom plot. It may spin slightly too positive at times, but the series has certainly earned that benefit over the years.

Slate: The format here, which I don't love, is an ongoing conversation between multiple writers. The result is several pieces per week on each episode, which is nice and definitely a different perspective than The AV Club. Show creator David Simon even responded to one of their posts early in the season. That being said, their continued dwelling on the problems with the newsroom is tiring. You're journalists, I get it and I don't care, talk about something else.

Salon: This would fall in between the prior two, as they do tend to shit on the newsroom, but are a bit more restrained in doing so and actually look at other elements of the show. They also present it as a conversation between several of their writers, but it's all in one piece, giving it a more cohesive feel.

Some quick points on the major plots this season:

Omar: this is predictably the most compelling of the current story lines. There have been some complaints regarding his super hero status, but isn't that what he's always been? He's the one character on the show that will occasionally defy logic, but is great for that very reason. So stop complaining and look forward to his final clash with Marlo.

Serial-killer: I've gone back and forth on this plot and ultimately don't love that it's emerged as the dominant story. Early in the season I hoped that it would come and go, but that was foolishly optimistic. I do, however, understand that it serves its purpose in connecting the various institutions the show has focused on over the years. They all influence each other and the smallest details can have large ramifications. One question that's been raised is regarding the escape plan (or lack thereof) of McNulty. Even if he was to get the funding and manpower to get Marlo, how do they resolve the case of the phantom killer? Or, is it reasonable to think that could be buried as easily as the 22 bodies were a year earlier? They were both national stories, so maybe he's just banking on the ineptitude of the PD and financial problems of the city to eventually give up on the case.

Newsroom: I'm probably in the minority of not minding the newsroom setting, though it can be painful at times to shift from Omar blowing up cars to writers debating the proper usage of evacuated. Each character is too simple and representative of obvious ideals. From the wise and saintly portrayal of Gus (in Simon's mold) to the overly-ambitious, jackass, liar that is Templeton. You could go through each character in the newsroom and give them a pretty easy description. Yet, keep in mind we are only given 10 episodes with these people, thus Simon is forced to be overt when getting his point across. There is really not time for them to develop and expand on their personalities. They are what they are and that likely won't change in the final 3 episodes.

Any additional thoughts on Carcetti, Bunk, Michael, Dukie, etc.?

Throw Dunking

Just trying to figure out how this is a layup of all time!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What's Worse than Irresponsible Parents???

How about an entire advertising campaign informing kids that their parent's medicine cabinet is an excellent source for recreational drugs.

Way to go, National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign; you guys are fucking idiots.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I was waiting for Ja Rule to drop the Ron Paul video but it doesn't look very promising.

yeah i wear the star of david, i'm a fuckin mench and everyone should know it

Monday, February 11, 2008

Do you like Peanuts?

How about tests of intelligence ?

Don't get got.

Craig's list

Joe set up a rather great/ridiculous craig's list posting a couple of weeks ago that got way more responses then I imagined. So last week when I was stuck doing research at the library, I decided to make a posting of my own. I learned a couple of things from craig's list.

Reply to:
Date: 2008-02-01, 3:42PM CST

I'm a law student and getting pretty bored with my work. So, I'm looking for an intern to help me with some homework. The work will consist of reading law cases and statutes, and then providing summaries (preferably in IRAC format).

Compensation: While there is no monetary compensation, this internship will provide invaluable insight into the hells of being a law student. Also I often eat candy and will occasionally throw a skittle or starburst you way.


Well lo and behold, I got a couple of responses. I kinda assumed that since the compensation was "invaluable insight" and/or a starburst that people would think it was a joke. Well people are idiots.

Exhibit A:
Raf Miastkowski
date Feb 7, 2008 4:31 PM
subject internship

I can not believe that you are actually attempting to have an intern do your law school work for you. This isn't a Seinfeld episode, and I hope that you fail out of school and become a janitor. What the hell is wrong with people today?
Thank you

Exhibit B:

Emily P.
date Feb 2, 2008 11:49 AM
subject law intern

My name is Emily and I am interested in your ad for an
intern to help you with your work load. Please tell
me what qualifications you require.

Well, the second response wasn't that funny, until I looked her up on myspace. And wow does she have some shit on myspace.

Exhibit B-1

Exhibit B-2

Exhibit B-3

So I learned two things from craig's list. 1) People are idiots. 2) Sometimes idiots are hot.

Why did I sell that hat to J Brilliant?

Kool G Rap - Risin' Up
Plenty of fun things goin' on here. Looks like Andre is as excited about pitchers and catchers reporting as this guy.

she totally gave us an edge

here's hillary's new youth commercial. its actually not as horrible as i thought i'd be, but not good by any stretch of the imagination.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Who the Fuck is This Guy ?

In response to Mirk's earlier Obama post:

I saw this pointed out on television, but they never answered their own question: 'Who the fuck is this guy, and why is he rocking the fist?'

He makes me not want to vote for Turok.

(Hear that campaign managers? When a white guy with a buzz-cut and a scarf plays the acoustic guitar and holds up a fist, it makes me not want to have anything to do with him. It also makes me want to call your politician by silly names.)

I'm voting for Ross Perot.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Breaking Bad

Most television is about as much fun as dragging your balls over shards of broken syringes filled with battery acid and coated with Anthrax spores. Since ‘The Wire’ is only on once a week, I have recently found myself with a great deal of free time. My bank account stays in the red and the groundhog saw his shadow promising 6 more weeks of subzero temperatures I have been forced to move indoors.

HBO has left cable network stations scrambling to make good television. You saw FX try to step their game up with shows like ‘Over There’ but this time it’s AMC…..Yes, “American Movie Classics” The same network that supplies you with a endless supply of bad Clint Eastwood movies. The show is called ‘Breaking Bad’ about a high school chemistry teacher in suburban New Mexico going through a mid life crisis when he decides that cooking Crystal Meth in a Winnebago doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. You can watch the full first two episodes online at AMCTV.COM .

If you don’t like this show you're lying to yourself about not only your commitment to quality television but probably your sexual orientation and level of popularity against the fabric of society as well. Chances are, you're probably one of those vintage leather sandal type of assh*les and most of your friends also kick it to your girlfriend behind your back.

I’m glad I can always count on the “tastemakers” of America to support such groundbreaking and highly influential entertainment with shows like “Flavor of Love #49” and round the clock clips of high speed car chases, but sometimes you need a break.

Jager Bombs

I know most of you have seen this, but as a tribute to all of those New York/New Jersey; investment banker; "raised lettering - pale nimbus - white business card;" "he doesn't make more than me;" GAF's (my personal favorite - gay ass fags); here's a Jager bomb on me!

Yes We Can

This dude (Barak) is supremely talented. I couldn't help but think of MLK when I heard him speak last Tuesday. On top of all that, he and his people are starting a "movement" by energizing the youngest generations of voters. Peep these videos and show your support...

"He's in the HOOUSE"

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Audrey Seiler of Football

Sunspot Jonz - Dammn

I've been waiting to comment on this hilarious story until it reached it's conclusion and apparently the time has come. In fact, it went from a hilarious/sad story, to mostly sad, to are you fucking kidding me. Let's take a look:

It began with Kevin Hart, a 2-star high school football recruit out of Nevada holding a press conference to decide his future. Would it be California or Oregon? Well, he went with Cal, but unfortunately neither school had actually recruited him. So here's the hilarious/sad part in which someone had apparently dedicated a great deal of time to fuck with this kid. Cruel, but you can't help but respect the effort.

Next up is the mostly sad part in which it was revealed that his family was scammed by a recruiting middleman and lost money in the process. This isn't quite as funny, but does paint Hart as a sympathetic figure who could maybe get a shot at a D-1 school for good press if nothing else.

But, just as you were starting to feel for this dude he goes and makes it hilarious again by admitting he made all of this shit up. All of us would have liked to play D-1 sports and I'll give him credit for this scheme, but really? What did he think the outcome of this would be? I can see him going off to school at Berkeley City College and stocking up on Cal gear for his triumphant return home for winter break:

"Yeah son, they're making me red shirt this year because I'm just fucking too many bitches on campus, they told me I need to get my mind right so I can fulfill my 1st Round status."

"Nah, you don't see me on the team roster because I don't want that attention. It's like a fucking unlisted phone number."

Maybe I'm being too hard on him, maybe this was all done to expose the ethical gray area that accompanies recruiting in this day and age. How young is too young? What message does it send our youth when athletic accomplishment is worshiped, while academic is ignored? How many porn stars do you throw at your top recruits during their campus visits?

Ahhhhh fuck it, look at the shit we were doing at 18, dude is just a clucker.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Game Recognize Game

EMC - The Show (ft. Ladybug Mecca)
Hugelush poses a good question below, so I felt the need to respond in kind. These exhibition match ups have actually been going on for awhile, but they happen too early in Spring Training for anyone to really care. Also, the MLB teams tend to play their minor league prospects and let the vets sit on their ass for a bit longer. That being said, these games are certainly a good training ground for the collegians:

- They use wooden bats, a good indicator for their performance at the next level.

- All players on the field are required to use steroids, in fact, they must complete a full cycle of use before the game or are ruled ineligible and gang-raped in the Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens and FP Santangelo. Strangely, not Barry Bonds.

- Each college groupie gets a MLB wife mentor and trains for the Show. This includes drinking and gossiping in the stands at each game, fucking a teammate of their boyfriend, and writing a shitty cookbook no cares about. If they have no cooking ability, which is frankly unacceptable for their line of work, they must create a product related to baseball or champion a fringe charity cause. If they pass this test they bypass the remainder of college and go straight to the MLB, where they are randomly assigned. If they fail they are demoted to managing the wrestling team and are generally never heard from again. If they are, well I'll be damned if that's not the next Disney feel-good story.

As a side note, if I ever see a girl rocking the shirt pictured so nicely by Ms. Milano above, particularly outside of a Brewers game, we are off to Vegas and married within a week. And you can come too.

Shark VS. Elephant

Am I seeing this correctly?

MLB clubs playing NCAA clubs in exhibition games?

Do the college players still get to use aluminum bats?

Do the pros still get to use steroids?

Do the College Groupies have to compete with the Pro Trophy Wives?

This just might be the reason I watch baseball this year.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Waiter, let me get a Tiger Woods

Can't believe that Larry didn't even touch that Palmer.

Friday, February 01, 2008

I actually can't believe what I just saw...

Wow, this shit is spectacular, check out Chris Berman on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This is over 7 years old at this point but still great, as Chris Berman is one of those revered folks who shocks you when he swears. It's like he never worked on TV before or something...