Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Game Recognize Game

EMC - The Show (ft. Ladybug Mecca)
Hugelush poses a good question below, so I felt the need to respond in kind. These exhibition match ups have actually been going on for awhile, but they happen too early in Spring Training for anyone to really care. Also, the MLB teams tend to play their minor league prospects and let the vets sit on their ass for a bit longer. That being said, these games are certainly a good training ground for the collegians:

- They use wooden bats, a good indicator for their performance at the next level.

- All players on the field are required to use steroids, in fact, they must complete a full cycle of use before the game or are ruled ineligible and gang-raped in the shower...by Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens and FP Santangelo. Strangely, not Barry Bonds.

- Each college groupie gets a MLB wife mentor and trains for the Show. This includes drinking and gossiping in the stands at each game, fucking a teammate of their boyfriend, and writing a shitty cookbook no cares about. If they have no cooking ability, which is frankly unacceptable for their line of work, they must create a product related to baseball or champion a fringe charity cause. If they pass this test they bypass the remainder of college and go straight to the MLB, where they are randomly assigned. If they fail they are demoted to managing the wrestling team and are generally never heard from again. If they are, well I'll be damned if that's not the next Disney feel-good story.

As a side note, if I ever see a girl rocking the shirt pictured so nicely by Ms. Milano above, particularly outside of a Brewers game, we are off to Vegas and married within a week. And you can come too.

1 comment:

hugelush said...

shitty cookbooks no cares about.

