I'm certainly not an Atmosphere hater, I've actually been known to congratulate their work. In fact, I was just commenting to one half of Bi-Polar Bear today that it'd be fun to see them at the Union Terrace this summer for old time's sake (free). Here are two videos from their upcoming album, due out later this month. They are nothing alike, but I don't particularly care for the audio/visual on either. Sorry friend, but don't be sad, it's a 15-track album!
Atmosphere - Guarantees
Atmosphere - Shoulda Known
I like the 'guarantees' track. I've never really liked any Atmosphere video so I won't put to much thought into that but the "Sad Clown Bad Spring 12" leaked today. It's only 5 songs you can download it here:
I might be with you on "Guarantees" but I think the video is actually distracting from the song. At the same time, I don't really need 5 minutes of acoustic rhyming, let's limit that to 1 minute interludes or something.
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