Friday, May 02, 2008

This is Funny...Life is Not

Well folks, I had a clever and snappy post in mind to go along with this fun comparison article I found, but now I feel sick. Yep, Yovani Gallardo has a torn ACL and will be out some long TBA amount of time.

This, my friends is awful news. We are one Ben Sheets injury away from Jeff Suppan becoming the ace of the staff and the terrible Jeff Weaver joining the rotation. Ugh.

Anyway, the main purpose of this was to point out a funny comparison between Brewers and Cubs fans from Bugs & Cranks. Peep it:

Volume 1
Volume 2

In response to said article:
Jon: they make cubs fans sound like latte drinking fags and brewers fans like beer guzzling hicks
me: pretty much

Something to make you smile on this dark day, or not, I don't care about things anymore.


JB said...

Thank you Dubb!!! 100% accurate!! Cubs fans suck large testicles!!!

Damn Villa!!!! He did a good job of playing it off, time for someone to step up.

Hold it down on Mifflin, look out for the 2 other Brill's!!

arhess83 said...

That's a basically acurate comparison between people who live on the north side of Chicago and people who live in Milwaukee. I'll take the happy medium of Madison.