Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jason Ramirez, anti-contraception advocate

I'm not sure if you all are aware of this, but I nearly shat myself when I discovered it on cnn.com this afternoon.



Dubb said...

Wow, if they had the cowboy boots in the shot it would be perfect.

hugelush said...

I tried to tell people about this a month ago and I couldn't get anybody to believe me or take me seriously b/c I couldn't come up with proof

Fucking sarcasm coming back to get me.

On another note - ramirez said he hasn't been able to get a date since

JB said...

That is fucking Great!!!!

Wait, Montana? And Jason doesn't wear condoms? and he was on tv looking comedy in his scarf?!!


arhess83 said...

It's in New York. I have no idea why Rocca says he's in Montana.