Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Stick to The Bachlorette You Fucker

by bsap11

I'll let the folks at Awful Announcing give you the full story, but c'mon Joe really? Dude sounds like such an old and sad man (in fact, he is) . It's your job to announce games on the largest stage possible, but all you do is read some notes and have your assistant give you the relevant info to prepare? At least I have a better understanding as to why there are so many terrible announcers in sports. Joe is also responsible for the trend of announcers acting as if a fan running on the field is akin to murder and also loves condemning Randy Moss for disgusting acts. Fuck you and the Cardinals, Joe Buck.


E.Mitz said...

watch some fucing games ho

JB said...

yea what a schmuck!! ho

JB said...

Dude the "1 to Gus Johnson" shit is comedy!! He sounds like a fucking psychopath douche bag !! It would have been great to have been one of those guys witnessing the stalker crazy guy who is actually Joe Buck.! HA!!!!!