Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hugelush Strikes Again

"I plead the fifth."


arhess83 said...

Hugelush? Sounds more like Justin Boettcher to me. And since when do we use the term "Madison elite." Ick.

teddytoothtaker said...

since when do we use the term 'ick'?

arhess83 said...

You're right, Ted. How could I use such an inappropriate term? My meaning must have been totally obscured by my glaring lameness. Would "yuck" work better for you? "Blech"? "Ugh"? "WTF"? I'll just run all my comments by you in the future before I post them, okay?

hugelush said...

dick sick prick lick wick hick hack jack lack crack pack dick ack mack crack jack mac hcdiajsbnkdbchsakjbdfhcksjaehdfckhjsbefchvbasefhbcvkubehqrc