Thursday, September 25, 2008

Live Blogging the Debate? (If It Happens)

Does anyone else want to try live blogging the debate tomorrow night? I'll just make a post, and we can all comment on it as the debate progresses. It could be hilarious, it could be lame, but we won't know unless we try it.

Please make a comment if you want to do it.


hugelush said...

when is it on ? do you need cable to watch it ?

Dubb said...

If it happens it'll be on all over the place I think...but the Friday night thing is not so dope. Clearly they don't have the drinking folk in mind with this one. Then again, in NY a few weeks ago on a weekend night I walked by a silent, yet completely filled bar listening to Obama speak. It was a strange sight.

JB said...

I'm in. Should be entertaining. I'm down for some Brewer/Debate channel swapping !

teddytoothtaker said...

anyone down with some live cyber sex? I got a webcam. Seriously though get a twitter account and let the games begin.