Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yukon Ho!

I feel this way about most of my experience at law school. There are so many random facts about cases that teachers harp on that make no difference beyond that class. It's only important to know the law and the theory of the case for the exam. Everything else falls to the way side, and yet teachers still go ape shit if you can't recall if the property was 10 acres or 11.

Also Calvin and Hobbes is one of the greatest pieces of fiction i've ever read, and easily had the biggest impact on my youth.


arhess83 said...

Except law school's worse because the professors make you think such minute details are important, but then they criticize you for not focusing enough on the broader themes of the course if you mention them on the exam.

hugelush said...

lawschool complain complain complain law school complain complain bitch law school graduate rich bitter rich complain bitter

arhess83 said...

If I graduate law school, get a lucrative job, and complain to you about it, you have my permission to punch me in the face.

hugelush said...
