Monday, November 24, 2008

Wednesday is almost here!

Guns N' Roses - Better

Well apparently everyone has their pre-Thanksgiving reunions. I actually enjoy these for the most part, certainly plenty of folks that you haven't seen in a grip.

That being said, I don't care much for trying to remember people's names after a handful of drinks and then being called out for not knowing. Really? Does anyone win in that scenario? Who feels good after that revelation? I certainly don't need it.

The standard small talk/life update also gets old pretty quickly. Talkin to friends who actually have some interest in what you're up to is great and I'm glad to fill them in. But the inevitable 10-73 convos you'll have with dude from chem com (for us science idiots) or that girl from drivers ed can be a struggle. Maybe it's my fault for failing to have something unique or interesting to say to every person I've ever encountered in my life, but here are the basics you'll get just in case you'd like to go the "say what up and move on" route:
  • Still livin in Chi, visit anytime!
  • Still workin at the same place, pretty fucking sweet!
  • Hey, I got a girl now, she's great. You def gotta meet her, maybe when you visit!
  • Holiday plans = sleeping, drinking, sleeping, video games, drinking, dvds, tv, drinking, sleeping, snowballs, sleds, eating, sleeping.
  • Yeah, still doin the music thing, bout to drop the next album in the spring. BPB motherfuckers!
  • No, my dog who humped your leg back in the day is no longer with us. She had a long and fruitful life. If Uncle L is in the vacinity when this is brought up he will pop some shit and I will punch him in the face. Real talk.
  • Yeah we're still playing our annual Thanksgiving football game. About 30 people claim they're coming, it'll be the best ever! (four will come)
  • Time for a new drink/I'll catch up with ya in a little bit/fake text message or phone call...see ya next year!

1 comment:

hugelush said...

I'm definitely throwing the 'can i borrow some money' line on someone that isn't expecting it - that one's my new favorite - it scares the shit out of people and they don't know if they should laugh or not.

Or the how's your sister? - when they don't have a sister. That one's good too.

can't wait