Tuesday, December 02, 2008

BiPolar Bear...A Day in the Life

Bi Polar Bear - Collecting Wishes

For those of you who aren't familiar with BiPolar Bear (BPB, Horton & August, etc.), a primer is coming soon. In the meantime, check out this spectacular and hot off the motherfucking presses video by David Seerman (also known as Dee to those who know him...I don't). This is a look at a day in the life of BiPolar Bear, really with terrific accuracy. The song is "Collecting Wishes" off August's instrumental opus The Creep, which you can get for free here. The BPB LP Strange Passengers is also available for free here.

1 comment:

arhess83 said...

Nice video, though not exactly uplifting. I hope a day in the life doesn't typically involve boiling themselves alive.