Friday, January 16, 2009

Ready to wake up to a Brave New World?

On the upcoming and glorious day of the 20th of January the entire color spectrum so far known to man will be amplified a couple thousand shades and the entire world´s populace will quiver as one with orgasmic bliss following the divine gift to human kind to be known as Merriweather Post Pavilion, the new and transcendent, delicious, mesmerizing, etc. Animal Collective album.

Oh yeah, and some dude whose supposed to be pretty smart and neat and shit is going to be sworn in as our new president. Folks, do yourselves a favor: go out and buy, yes buy, the best album of 2009, take some drugs that you haven´t even thought about since your third year of college, have a listen and then poop yourself with excitement as, for the first time in your truly politically conscious life, a man whom you can actually say you admire and have some degree of trust in is given the reins to the most powerful job on earth.
January 20th is this year´s Christmas.
(as a side note, and to give ya´ll an update, I spent my true christmas violently vommiting up different cuts of steak and then falling to sleep in a utility closet for four hours. yeah.)

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