Monday, March 16, 2009

What the fuck is this?

I have no idea whatsoever what the prior WI state logo was, but are you fucking kidding me?

(5:35:26 PM) Gabe K.: hah, are we a childs summer camp?

Yes, apparently we are.


arhess83 said...

That's it. I'm finally going to bite the bullet and get my Illinois driver's license.

Gee Forgé said...
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Gee Forgé said...
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Gee Forgé said...

Finally I have something cool to show all the peeps down here what Wisconsin's all about....sack lunches with milk pouches.

Seriously lame, and some 'graphic design' "firm" no doubt got paid a couple thousand to poo that out. Or a state senator doodled it in the back of a cab.

hugelush said...

Does the joyful sneakered man embody an intoxicated “brah” at one of Wisconsin’s many fine universities?

arhess83 said...

$50,000 (no joke)

Unknown said...

You mean we commissioned that?? Who are the culprits behind this?