I'm guessing everyone has now heard that the 3 remaining Presidential nominees are campaigning by way of the World Wrestling Entertainment show, but I'd be surprised if many have seen, or even heard of, Idiocracy (thanks to its blacklisting by 20th Century Fox).
While the movie's premise and story are both endlessly entertaining and maddening, it eventually fails for several reasons I won't go into depth about here. Regardless, Mike Judge has predicted the future. In Idiocracy Judge presents a future in which our presidential candidates have been replaced with Professional Wrestlers.
I challenge anyone that gives people a hard time for not voting to defend this one. These candidates are out of their fucking minds. These Parties are out of their fucking minds. Change? Hope? Fuck that. What the fuck is our political system deteriorating into ? ? Hillrod?
How long until they start wearing enormous chains and latex suits ?? Until they start watering our crops with Gatorade?? Until Ow My Balls! premiers on the Spike Network ??
Well done Thommy!! I have been sketchy about all 3 candidates, but that video puts it over the top. Politics is a joke and they abuse the "president" title to take advantage of the U.S. and as many other countries as possible and get rich during their term. We are the rookie country and act like we are #1. Maybe we should get our $100 bills out of our ass cracks and mouths and completely change our government around. If the war crazed vet with psychological problems, nicknamed Mac Attack wins, I will commit suicide or move to Australia.
I am voting "none of the above" from now on until someone seriously will mix it up and be the people's president!!!
I too have been awaiting the day when we can sit at home 'bating' to 'oh, my balls.'
In defense of the candidates they have to appeal to the populous. Whether you like WWE or not is irrelevant. The show has more than 5 million viewers. It was actually probably a good idea to get some hicks to the voting booth to "smackdownthevote". So before you blame the political system look at the general constituency, they have to appeal to everybody over 18 in a tight election, and if that means playing a 5 minute taped message for free at WWE than why not?
I agree with Ted. Well said. "Idiocracy" is maddening. The concept is so fantastic that I'd love to see it executed masterfully. It has moments of brilliance, though.
There's a difference between extending your message to the crowds of people watching WWE and calling yourself 'HillRod.'
I can't believe none of the 3 candidates saw this as a HUGE opportunity to step away from the other 2 by not inserting lame wrestling terminolgy into their message - and instead simply appealing to the WWE viewers by reminding them how much 'real' power they have.. .
Anything meaningful they had to say was completely lost behind silly script.. . US Politics is 1 step away from professional wrestling, and I'm not even sure it's a step towards the right direction.
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