Friday, November 07, 2008

Best Shows on Television

1. Mad Men
2. The Office (Have you really given it a chance, Chris? Watch "Dinner Party" from Season 4 and tell me this isn't a great show.)
3. Battlestar Gallactica
4. Curb Your Enthusiasm
5. How I Met Your Mother


JB said...

I would do:

1) SportsCenter
2) South Park
3) The Office
4) Entourage
5) Family Guy

I know its not original, but I can't live without these programs !! I will probably revise this soon, I rushed it.

teddytoothtaker said...

1. Intervention
2. The Daily Show
3. Curb
4. Frontline
5. The Soup
6. Family Guy
7. Tavis Smiley
8. Countdown with Keith Olberman
9. Sons of Anarchy
10. Weeds

Nothing compares to 'The Wire'

aaron said...

1) Mad Men
2) Always Sunny
3) Californication
4) South Park
5) Dexter
6) Nova
7) Frontline
8) Daily Show
9) Scientific America
10) Cinemax Porn

hugelush said...

1) Cinemax Porn
2) Cinemax Porn
3) Cinemax Porn
4) Cinemax Porn
5) Cinemax Porn
6) Cinemax Porn
7) Cinemax Porn
8) Cinemax Porn
9) Cinemax Porn
69)Cinemax Porn