Friday, April 18, 2008


For years in response to my cousins (who live in California) constant banter "How can you live in the Midwest, it's so cold?" Has been "At least we don't have earthquakes and crips" Last night at 4:36 AM I experienced my first earth quake. It was relatively pussy on the Richter a magnitude of 5.2. So pussy in fact that I initially blamed my neighbors drum set, or possibly a late night session with a random girl.

Apparently there is a large fault in Southern Illinois that is responsible for two of the largest three earthquakes in the lower 48 ever recorded.

Tornadoes have been getting old so I'm down with a little change in natural disasters and I can't really count on Volcanoes or Tsunamis.

1 comment:

hugelush said...

mudslides and hurricanes all day, son