Monday, July 14, 2008

Milwaukee is the reason the Bucks suck

Richard Jefferson going to Milwaukee …. HAHAHA! Oh man, now that is funny. When I heard that, I started laughing. Oh man, did I start laughing. You know why? Because every player hates Milwaukee. Nobody wants to live in Milwaukee. I’m sorry, Milwaukee, to come down hard on you, but no one in the NBA wants to play in Milwaukee. From him going from New Jersey, actually from New York (because he lives in New York), from New York to Milwaukee is like going … let’s just say it’s not going to sit well with you. That was a funny one when I heard that one. I know Yi is happy though.

-Gilbert Arenas


JB said...

Fuck Yi. Fuck Gilbert. Gilbert is the most overpaid player in professional sports. Yi will have a horrible nba career. I am sick of people bashing Milwaukee. Yea it is not one of the top markets, but is Milwaukee really that bad if you are getting Millions of dollars to play ball?? No its not. This is just the start of a new generation of Buck success!!! Keep talkin ish, it fuels our passion to dominate cats that talk shit because they live in a bigger or more marketable city!! We got RJ, you didn't. HA!!!

hugelush said...

can we trade the bucks for an nhl team ? at least then when they are bad you can still go to watch fights and yell. a bad basketball team is less entertaining than fishing sober.

teddytoothtaker said...

Nobody wants to live in Milwaukee? What about the Algonquians and the cast of Happy Days?