Monday, June 16, 2008

Thanks a lot, Kanye.

Saturday night at Bonnaroo officially destroyed any positve feelings I (and about 75,000 other people) had for Kanye West. He was originally scheduled to go on at 8:15 p.m. He rescheduled his set for 2:45 a.m. at the last minute so he could do his light show in the dark. Then he refused to start until after every other set had ended. He made us wait until 4:30 a.m., just in time for the sun to begin to rise so he couldn't use his lights. He performed a weak 45 minute set on stage by himself with canned beats while the audience booed and threw garbage at him. By the time he finished, just about everyone had either left or fallen asleep. At no point did he make any attempt to explain the delay or even address the audience. On Sunday, people broke into chants of "Fuck Kanye" or "Kanye Sucks" at just about every show. Pure comedy.

1 comment:

hugelush said...

"I've decided I'm taking Kanye off my favorite artists on my Facebook page" -A.HESS 10/18/07

Did you really expect anything different ?

Kanye should just kill himself with heroin before everyone agrees his pretentious lyrics and outrageous attitude trump his talented ear for rhythm and unbelievably catchy loops.