Friday, February 06, 2009

Mark that under who gives a shit.

In honor of Mad Men's Jon Hamm guesting on 30 Rock, here's a great interview with him and Zack Galifianakis.

Bonus Galifianakis:

Meet his character Alan Finger from the relatively recent yet completely forgotten show Dog Bites Man...look out for "Up In Them Guts" around the 1:30 mark.

"Come On and Get It (Up In Them Guts)" ft. Fiona Apple (audio link)


Weilchild said...

Stuart Turkeylink,

Great post. He's great, I wish he were one of our core group of friends, and/or posted on this blog due to lack of humorous/original posts!!!!!!!!!

But seriously,
fuckin bitchin.

Dubb said...

May this be a warning to all...step your posting game up or step the fuck off!!!!!!!!! (Brilla style)