Thursday, December 27, 2007


Westside Connection - The Gangsta, The Killer and The Dope Dealer

Well, this is fun. Word up to P Dubbles, who's been posting The Wire promos the past couple days on Fbook. Great song selection here with "White Lines" by Duran Duran. This will certainly get any fan of the show hyped for the upcoming season and would probably excite someone who's never seen one minute of the show (I've exceed my allocation this month for the use of the appropriate word to describe these folks). While the season premier is Sunday, January 6th, apparently it will be available On Demand on Monday, December 31st. That continues in last-year's trend of putting the next episodes up on the preceding Monday and is a spectacular development for anyone who happens to be celebrating the New Year in Chi.

As far the promo itself, there's a lot going on, including a cameo by old friend Avon Barksdale, who appears to be throwin' up the dubb like it's '96. Good to see him back in the mix, interested to see if he develops into a main character again, or if he's relegated to prison cameos, a la Wee-Bay.

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