Monday, December 01, 2008

Law Students Are The Coolest!

On Sunday, I sent the following e-mail to my mock trial group (two teams of two) expressing a preference to meet as a group on Friday to make our final preparations for our Saturday trial:

Tehseen and I have discussed this, and we would like to meet with you two on Friday. That way we can run over everything a couple times and debate any objections. Tehseen and I are going to meet on Thursday together and then with our senior partner to go over our case. I think it would a waste of everyone's time to share our "script" with you until after we've done that and made the ensuing revisions.

This is the immediate response of a group member who had previously expressed a preference to meet on Wednesday:

Hi, everyone.

Alex, I think your email is setting a really tense tone for our entire group.

Even Professor Lubet encouraged cooperation and all the 3Ls who have taken it have reiterated that getting together with the opposing counsel is a good idea. The highest grades go to the smoothest running and fastest trials.

As much as you don't want to think so, this is still like a performance. The best way we can EACH show our mastery of the material is to put our best food forward. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't meet and chat.

We're not trying to steal each other's ideas or undermine anyone by cooperating. We're just running through our scripts with each other and giving input-- Oh, I'd object here with X; you'd respond with Y; etc.

It's NOT that much harder in terms of work. It's NOT demanding either. And we will learn a ton from each other. It's actually really helpful and it makes each of our examinations better in terms of quality, how tight our questions are, and how prepared we are.

And another thing-- this is Tehseen and my last "group project" for NU Law. It's not cool to have our last group project become such an unenjoyable and up-tight process.

And if this is all a misunderstanding, can we chat about this? Because this is becoming a really irritating process (not so much the work, but the group interaction) when all Adam and I want to do is make it a better process for everyone.

- Shannon


teddytoothtaker said...

How did you respond?

arhess83 said...

I didn't think it merited a response. However, my partner fired back a pretty solid comeback a couple hours later.

aaron said...

sounds hot, let me get those digi's.

teddytoothtaker said...

As the leader in all things ethical I would say in this situation it would be appropriate to punch her in the titty. If she gets mad just tell her that I gave you the go ahead.