Friday, September 26, 2008

"Party time at home plate!"

Yep folks, we are gonna be a bit Brewers heavy this week and hopefully into the playoffs.

Criminally underrated Brewers radio announcer Jim Powell gives a great call to a dramatic and spectacular ending last night, as well as a nice description of the scene on his consistently insightful blog:

9/25 Jim Powell Game Wrap (skip to about 2:20 for the lead up to the call itself)


JB said...

Dude I got just as many goosebumps today listening to this as I did last night !!!!!!
My favorite game of the year.
This shit it Bonkers !!!

Hardy Really ????? Man Up !!

Lets go Crew and Marlins !!!

arhess83 said...

Brill, I second Ted's earlier comment. You use more punctuation than a 8th grade girl writing in a yearbook. What's the deal??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??